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SALIERI Language - loopn

loopn: integer x stmnt_block -> ()

Call syntax:
loopn(cnt, bodyBlock)

The control function loopn executes the loop body bodyBlock exactly cnt times (for cnt >= 0).

Error conditions:
If cnt <= 0, the loop body is not executed; no error condition occurs.

loopn is much more efficient than the other loop control structures; therefore, for performance optimisation, it should be used whenever the number of loop-executions is known before entering a loop.

> i := 0; loopn(3, `write("Gott ist tot, sprach Zarathustra zum ", i, ". mal!"´))
Gott ist tot, sprach Zarathustra zum 1. mal!
Gott ist tot, sprach Zarathustra zum 2. mal!
Gott ist tot, sprach Zarathustra zum 3. mal!
> i := 0; loopn(-3, `write("Gott ist tot, sprach Zarathustra zum ", i, ". mal!"´))

See also: loop, while, if.

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