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SALIERI Language - merge

merge: sequence x sequence -> sequence

Call syntax:
merge(seq_1, seq_2)

merge returns the sequence obtained by appending seq_2 to seq_1, where the last note of seq_1 and the first note of seq_2 are merged. This is done by prolonging the last note of seq_1 by the duration of the first note of seq_2 which is then deleted.

If either of seq_1 or seq_2 is an empty sequence, the other argument is returned unchanged.

> merge([e1/4 c#],[f#1/4 g# a#])
Result= [ e1/4 c#1/2 g#1/4 a#1/4 ]
> merge([e1/4 c#],[_/8 g#1/4 a#])
Result= [ e1/4 c#1*3/8 g#1/4 a#1/4 ]
> merge([f#1/4 g# a#], [])
Result= [ f#1/4 g#1/4 a#1/4 ]
> merge([],[f#1/4 g# a#])
Result= [ f#1/4 g#1/4 a#1/4 ]

See also: +, duration.

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