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SALIERI Language - getInstr

getInstr: sequence x integer -> integer

Call syntax:
getInstr(seq, int)

getInstr returns the instrument setting of sequence seq at the start of the note at index position int (positions are counted 1,2,...).

The returned instrument value is an integer between 0 and 127; it refers to the instrument codes as specified by the General MIDI Standard; playback may depend on the sound equipment being used and its installation.

Error conditions:
For illegal index positions (i.e., positions < 1 or > length(seq), getIntens returns -1; no error condition occurs.

This function is based on a music represention model which will soon be replaced by the more powerful GUIDO Notation Format; very likely, it will be not supported in this form in future versions of SALIERI.

See also: instr, getTempo, getIntens.

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