This page has been updated to reflect the actual programme and the list of participants. Thanks again to everyone who helped making SaMuReI-98 become a success!


Symposium on Adequate Music Representation Issues 
June 15-16 1998 
Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany

Programme  Participants  Organisation 

SaMuReI-98 is organised by the SALIERI Project under the patronage of Prof. Johann-Dietrich Wörner, President of the Darmstadt University of Technology. It is supported by the Computer Science Department (Prof. H.K.-G. Walter and Prof. W. Bibel) and the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Technology.


Participation is free. However, all participants need to register until June 10. For registration, please send an email containing your name, affiliation or address, and some remarks on your background in computer music (optional) to All participants whose names appear in the List of Participants given below are automatically registered.


The symposium will take place in the Room 38/B1 of the Computer Science Building Wilhelminenstrasse, the address is:

Room 38/B1
Fachbereich Informatik
Wilhelminenstr. 7
64283 Darmstadt

Please take a look at the location map.


Monday, June 15
  09:30-10:00  K.Renz/H.H.Hoos/J.Kilian, TU Darmstadt: Using GUIDO for Conventional Music Notation
10:00-10:30  K.A.Hamel, UBC, Vancouver: NoteAbility
-- Coffee break --
10:45-11:15  D.Fober/S.Letz/Y.Orlarey, GRAME, Lyon: The Elody Music Composition Environment
11:45-12:15  D.Hörnel/K.Höthker/J.Langnickel, TU Karlsruhe: Modelling Musical Structures with Learn- and Rule-based Approaches
-- Lunch break --
14:00-14:30  B.Ganter/R.Krauße, TU Dresden: The Mutabor Project
14:30-15:00  Gerard Assayag, IRCAM: OpenMusic, a visual programing environment for composition
-- Coffee break --
15:30-15:50  System Demonstration: GUIDO NoteServer/NoteViewer 
15:50-16:10  System Demonstration: NoteAbility 
16:10-16:30  System Demonstration: Elody 
-- Coffee break --
16:45-17:05  System Demonstration: Harmonet/Melonet 
17:05-17:25  System Demonstration: Mutabor 
17:25-17:55  System Demonstration: OpenMusic 

Tuesday, June 16
09:00-10:15  GUIDO status quo (Overview, NoteServer, MIDI Conversion Tools)
-- Coffee break --
10:30-12:15 Technical session (Importing GUIDO - The GUIDO Parser Kit)
-- Lunch break --
14:00-15:45 Technical sessions (NoteAbility, Microtonality, Advanced GUIDO)
-- Coffee break --
16:00-17:00 Future perspectives

List Of Participants

Organisation / Contact Information:

  The SALIERI Project 
c/o Holger H. Hoos 

Computer Science Department 
Darmstadt University of Technology 
Alexanderstr. 10 
Phone: +49 6151 16-5469 
Fax: +49 6151 16-5326