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SALIERI Project News and Announcements


First steps towards a platform independend version of the SALIERI System using wxWindows.
The SALIERI System and GUIDO MusicNotation will be presented at the "Tag der Informatik" at Darmstadt University of Technology
WS 2002/03
Lecture: "Einführung in die Computermusik" at Darmstadt University Of Technology
In 2002
Major updates of the GUIDO NoteServer
WS 2001/02
Lecture: "Einführung in die Computermusik" at Darmstadt University Of Technology
Fall 2000
Presentation of Visual SALIERI Components (VISCO) at ICMC 2000.


Sponsored by the Darmstadt University of Technology, the SALIERI Project will be presenting the SALIERI System and its various applications as well as the latest developments in GUIDO Music Notation at CeBIT'99 in Hannover, Germany between 18-24 March 1999. If you are at CeBIT, don't forget to drop by for meeting the developers of SALIERI and GUIDO and checking out the latest developments. You will find us in Hall 16, Booth B55 - we are looking forward to seeing you in Hannover!


The GUIDO NoteServer has been updated. The new version 2.1 of the GUIDO NoteViewer is now available from the GUIDO website.

The new Shareware Version 2.3 of the SALIERI System (for Windows 95/NT) is now available! For free download, click here!

The GUIDO NoteServer has been updated. Check out this new service!

The papers on GUIDO Music Notation and the GUIDO NoteServer presented at ICMC-98 as well as the slides from the talks are available from the Documentation section of the GUIDO website.

Our group is participating at ICMC-98 (the International Computer Music Conference) in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. We will present 3 papers and 2 posters on SALIERI, GUIDO, and AVA, Wolfgang Chico-Toepfer's composition system.

Our group hosts the International Symposium on Adequate Music Representation Issues (SaMuReI-98). The programme includes technical talks and system demonstrations which are open to the public. Please visit the SaMuReI-98 homepage for details.

Prof. Keith A. Hamel from the University of BC, Vancouver, Canada will visit our group in Darmstadt. Keith Hamel is Professor for composition and director of the Computer Music Studio at UBC, he is one of the leading experts for advanced notation software and a renowned composer. We are planning several opportunities for all who are interested in computer music to meet Keith during his stay. Talks and discussions will be soon arranged and announced here.

This website goes online. It replaces the old AFS / Computer Music Pages which were outdated and mainly in german. Due to the increasingly international character of the project group's activities, the new site is mainly written in english. However, those parts concerning issues of mainly local interest are still written in german.

For news and announcements concerning the SALIERI System and Language or GUIDO Music Notation, please refer to the News and Announcement sections on the respective websites.

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